नमस्कार! ( Greetings! )

         नमस्ते या नमस्कार करने की मुद्रा। नमस्ते या नमस्कार , भारतीयों के बीच अभिनन्दन करने का प्रयुक्त शब्द है जिसका अर्थ है तुम्हारे लिए प्रणाम।  Namaste or Namaskar Gesture. Namaste or Namaskar is common among Indians to greet (to welcome as well as to bid farewell) each other (verbally with the gesture or only verbally) and it means I salute the divine in you.  

सामान्य बोलचाल ( Common conversation )

  • Good = अच्छा achchaa 
  • Bad = बुरा buraa 
  • Friend = मित्र (mitra) (friend neutral gender) यार (yaar) (close friend) दोस्त dost (male friend) सहेली saheli (female friend). [Note: usually दोस्त is used by men to address another man, सहेली is man's girl friend, यार is girl's boy friend.]
  • What is your name? = आपका नाम क्या है? aapka naam kya hai? [This is used to address a persn with respect e.g. an older or unknown person. Similar to vous in French or usted in Spanish.] तुम्हारा नाम क्या है? Tumhara naam kya hai [This is used to address a younger person or a close friend. Similar to Tu in French and Spanish.]
  • Nice to meet you. = आपसे मिलकर खुशी हुई aapse milkar khushii huyii
  • Birthday = जन्मदिन janmadin [जन्म (Janma means birth; din means day )
  • Happy Birthday! = जन्मदिन मुबारक हो । janmadin mubaarak ho OR जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएँ! janmadin ki shubhkaamnaayehn
  • Tomorrow/Yesterday = कल kal (Hindi does not have seperate words for yesterday and tomorrow, the meaning is determined from the context that the word is used; if the context cannot be determined from the tense of the verb, longer expressions could be used: tomorrow = आनेवाला कल aanevaalaa kal, yesterday = बीता हुआ कल beetaa huaa kal)
  • Would you like to eat something? = क्या आप कुछ खाना पसंद करेंगे? = Kyaa aap kuchh khaanaa pasand karenge?
  • My name is = मेरा नाम _____ है.     Mera naam _____ hai 


Chaitanyaa Sharma ने कहा…
अच्छी पोस्ट ....थैंक यू

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

विपरीतार्थक (विलोम शब्द)

मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ

hindi ka mahatva